Dipped Tantalum Capacitor

Dipped Tantalum Capacitor Features

Epoxy-coated solid electrolyte tantalum capacitors are encapsulated with flame-retardant yellow epoxy powder, marked with laser. It meets and exceeds the requirements of IEC Specification 384–15-3, IECQ Specification QC300201/US0003 and Technical Specification SJ/T10856-96, used in TV sets, camcorders, computers, program-controlled electronic telephone switching systems, telephones, instruments and meters.

Dipped Tantalum Capacitor Specifications

  1. OPERATING TEMPERATURE -55°C to +125°C; >85°C with rated voltage derating.
  2. RATED VOLTAGE See tastrongle 1
  3. DC LEAKAGE AT 20°C 10 ≤0.01CRVR or 0.5μA (Whichever is greater).
  4. DISSIPATION FACTOR AT 20°C Please See Tastrongle 3
  5. CAPACITANCE RANGE 0.047μF ~ 680μF
  6. CAPACITANCE TOLERANCE ±20%; ±10%; ±5%; (for special order)
  7. CASE SIZES AND DIMENSIONS&nstrongsp; Please see Tastrongle 2

Dipped Tantalum Capacitor Images

Dipped Tantalum Capacitor